White House Office of National Intelligence refuses to investigate ongoing criminal activities including Coup in the Philippines.
April 30, 2016
For immediate Release:
Attached below is a recording left by the White House office of National Intelligence, by a person named Paula. The message was left as a recorded message this week to AmeriTrust Group, Inc. Congressional Representative Tim Murphy also has ignored repeated high level information which had been forwarded to his office by Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta. This new information released should be carefully reviewed by Congress, the White House, and the Office of National Intelligence. The recorded message below States clearly that the Office of National Intelligence wants no information regarding this major Coup attempt in the Philippines and is not interested in who was behind it. Calling the information nonsense. This type of information when submitted to the White House and Congress should have started a Congressional enquiry.
Under the executive branch mandate (Totten Doctrine 92 U.S. 105, 107), and Truman Doctrine; passed on previously to all members of our U.S. Congress – Washington, D.C.; the information released referencing new Armed Forces Chief of Staff of the Philippines, Fidel V Ramos, General AFP, mandated secret agent, Leo Emil Wanta “in the philippines [ circa 1986 ] under U.S. President Ronald W. Reagan directives to stabilize the Philippines from “puppet masters, et al.”
Along with the recorded message left by Paula, the honorable, congressman Murphy decided to forward this corporate national security informational data directly to the offices of our capital police department, instead of his fellow members of our united state congress committees. Specifically foreign relations, foreign affairs, banking, national security, commerce, oversight, investigations, economy, et al.
For more information contact
AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Office of the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
4001 North 9 th Street, Suite No. 227
Arlington, Virginia, USA 22203-1954
Commonwealth of Virginia
Communication Director Lon Gibby 1-800-200-1113